Sunday, 15 May 2016

Error : HTTPS connection is required for Orders and Profiles webservices

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I've been working with Sitecore Commerce 8 powered by Commerce Server now for a while and trying to configure the demo store which is based upon Reference Storefront solution provided by Sitecore commerce product team.  I’ve successfully managed to get the demo store running but I have faced below error while opening Commerce Server Customer and Orders Manager business tool:
HTTPS connection is required for Orders and Profiles webservices. 
By default the Commerce Server Customer and Orders Manager business tool requires that the connections to the Orders and Profiles web services should be over HTTPS. This behaviour can be changed to allow it to work over HTTP instead.  However HTTP connection configuration is not recommended for LIVE or PRODUCTION environment as you should always use HTTPS to ensure data is secure but HTTP connection can be useful in development and test scenarios where HTTPS communications are not easily available.

Follow below steps so that Commerce Server Customer and Orders Manager business tool allow HTTP for connectivity to the Profile and Orders web services:
  1. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Commerce Server 11\Business User Applications directory.
  2. Open the file CustomerandOrdersManager.exe.config in notepad.
  3. Search for below entry under <applicationsettings> section.
    <setting name="AllowHTTP" serializeAs="String">
  4. Change this entry as shown below:
     <setting name="AllowHTTP" serializeAs="String">
  5. Save the config file.
  6. Restart IIS or recycle application pool of profiles web service.
  7. Open Commerce Server Customer and Orders Manager business tool and enter standard HTTP connection strings for the Orders and Profiles Web Services URLs in Site Connections window.

Comments and suggestions are most welcome. Happy coding! 


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