Sunday, 3 September 2017

Sitecore - Get items associated with email reminder task

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In Sitecore, you can schedule to send an email reminder to one or more users. Occasionally an author may wish to be reminded of something regarding the item he is working on. Sitecore Reminders are made just for that. They also make the Administrator's work easier, by providing a suitable way of notifying Editors and other staff members about changes needed to be made. Reminder settings for an item are set in the Tasks section:

You can also set reminder settings for an item by clicking on Set Reminder in Review Strip of Sitecore Content Editor Ribbon.

Recently I have stumbled upon a situation where I have to find out all the items which are configured to use Email Reminder task.  Execute below SQL query on Core database to get list of item ids which are configured to use Email Reminder task.
SELECT ItemId FROM Tasks WHERE taskType='Sitecore.Tasks.EmailReminderTask,Sitecore.Kernel'
Comments and suggestions are most welcome. Happy coding!


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